Antioch, California has homes for most price ranges, destinations, and activities around town. Here are the 13 best neighborhoods in the Antioch area.
1. West Hartley
West Hartley is a suburban neighborhood located in Antioch. This neighborhood consists of large, medium-sized, and single-family homes, and townhomes all within the neighborhood. The average price to rent a home in West Hartley is $5,351.
Most of the homes in the area were built in the 2000s, but some were built in the 1970s. These homes are all different styles since many were built in two different eras. There is no doubt you will find a good home at a fair price, though you might have to renovate it to make it perfect.
There are many neighborhoods in the area that also have apartments. Due to the uniqueness of West Hartley, single-family and detached homes are highly desired. This means that there will be more families than single residents. In all of Antioch, West Hartley has more single-family homes compared with 97% of the other neighborhoods.
2. Antioch South
Antioch South is a suburban neighborhood with 4-to-5-bedroom homes and 3-to-4-bedroom homes depending on the location and house. Antioch has a median real estate price of $757,369. The average rental price is $4,278, which is 84.3% higher than other neighborhoods in the area.
The neighborhood itself was built from the 1970s till the 1990s, with a few 2000s present. Antioch is a special place because of its diversity in cultural and occupational groups throughout the years. There is something for everyone in this neighborhood.
Antioch South stands out above other neighborhoods due to the fact there are more 4-to-5-bedroom homes than more than 96% of the city.
Another cool factor in this neighborhood is the high number of residents who speak Tagalog. This language is primarily from the Philippines, and a majority of the residents here speak Tagalog as their first language.
3. Eagle Ridge Park
Eagle Ridge Park is an urban neighborhood in Antioch. The median real estate value in Eagle Ridge Park costs around $753,905. The average rental home price in Eagle Ridge Park is $4,357.
The real estate in the area mainly consists of small, medium, and large homes with single-family homes, apartments, and high-rise apartments.
Most of the homes here were built from 1970-1999 with some built in the 2000s. In Eagle Ridge Park the occupations range from sales and service jobs all the way down to fast food. Executive and manager positions are common, as well as clerical assistants and tech support.
4. Bridgehead
Bridgehead has a suburban neighborhood feel. The median real estate value is $680,959. The average rental price is around $3,308.
Bridgehead has medium to large single to large single-family and townhomes. The houses in the neighborhood were mostly built in the 1970s to 1990s with some built during the 1940s till 1969.
The global trade and economy provide most of its services with fewer people working to farm, fish, or work in the timber industry. Bridgehead stands out because there are still a good amount of people working in the fields.
Neighbors in the Bridgehead community make upper-middle income compared to other neighborhoods. This neighborhood makes a higher amount of income than 77.9% of the neighborhoods throughout the rest of the country.
5. Newlove
Newlove is a suburban neighborhood located in the Antioch area. The neighborhood has a median real estate value of $678,797. The average rental price in Newlove is $5,014.
The real estate in this neighborhood mainly consists of medium-sized to large single-family and townhomes. Most of the homes in the neighborhood were built from 1970 to 1999, with others built during the 2000s.
Newlove has the highest rates of detached single-family homes compared with any other neighborhoods across the United States. 99.6% of the real estate has free-standing single-family homes. A larger portion of single-family homes are located in Newlove than most neighborhoods in the United States.
6. Prewitt Family Park
Prewitt is an urban neighborhood in Antioch. This neighborhood has a median real estate value of $661,239. The average rental price is $4,934.
Many of the neighborhoods located in Antioch have homes dating from a wide range of eras. Prewitt Family Park is different than the rest of the neighborhoods due to the fact that the majority of the homes were built between 1970 and 1999.
Prewitt has a great amount of diversity. There are more Sub-Saharan African people that live in this neighborhood than any others across the country.
Neighbors in Prewitt earn an upper-middle income. Prewitt has a higher income than 83.1% of the neighborhoods in America. Most residents work in executive, management types of positions, sales, service jobs, and fast food, and then some work in manufacturing and laboring positions in the area.
7. Antioch Southeast
Antioch Southeast is a suburban neighborhood with a median house price of $657,783, and a median of $4,781 for rental price.
The real estate in Antioch consists of medium to large single-family homes as well as apartment complexes and high-rise apartments. Many of the homes were built between 1970 to 1999, with many homes having been built in the 2000s.
In this neighborhood, it has become popular here to carpool with others to work and everywhere else. About 50% of the residents drive alone in their own car to get to work. and the other half will carpool with friends and coworkers.
Most of the occupations residents work in are clerical, assistant, and tech support. The second most common occupations are executive and management positions.
8. Country Manor Park
Country Manor Park is an urban neighborhood in Antioch with a median home price of $653,761. The average rental price is $4,723. Most residents of the homes are owner-occupied and the homes consist of medium to large homes, single-family, apartments, and high-rise apartment complexes.
Country Manor Park has larger (4 to 5-bedroom) homes than 96.9% of America. Neighbors in Country Park are wealthy, making about 15% of the highest income in the United States.
Most residents work in clerical or manager positions, the second largest in sales and service jobs, and clerical, support, or assistant occupations.
71% of residents drive themselves to work, and 14% of residents will carpool with family members, friends, or coworkers. The longest amount of time it takes to commute to work is around 45 minutes.
9. Harbour Park
Harbour Park has a median sale price of $653,398. The median price for rent is $4,285. Harbour Park is considered an urban residential neighborhood in Antioch.
There is a wide variety of medium to large single-family homes and townhomes. Most residents in the Harbour Park area were built between 1970 and 1999, with some built-in 1940 and 1969.
Residents in Harbour Park are in the upper-middle income range, and the jobs most commonly taken by the residents are in executive, management, and other professional types of positions. The other residents commonly work in manufacturing and laboring types of jobs.
The languages spoken in this neighborhood are mostly English with some Italian and Spanish scattered. Lifestyles, preferences, and other practices determine the environment of the neighborhood. This neighborhood has a mix of everything.
10. Los Medanos
Los Medanos is a suburban neighborhood located in Antioch with a median house price of $582,511. The median rental price is $2,721.
The homes in the neighborhood mostly consist of small studio homes, medium and large single-family homes, apartment complexes, and high-rise apartments.
Many of the homes located here were built in the 1940s and 1969, with some having been built between 1970 and 1999. This neighborhood is diverse with a significant population of Haitian and Portuguese residents.
Neighbors in Los Medanos earn a lower-middle income compared to other neighborhoods. Most of the population works in sales and service jobs, and the other half work in manufacturing and laborer positions.
11. Mount Hamilton Drive and Crater Peak Way
Mount Hamilton Drive and Crater Peak Way is an urban neighborhood, with a median home price of $611,162. The median rental price is $5,063.
The homes mostly consist of medium-sized to large single-family and townhomes. The neighborhood is not considered to be an older neighborhood. Homes were built between 1970 and 1999, with other homes built during the 2000s.
12. Clayton Regency/Marsh Creek Springs
Clayton Regency is a rural neighborhood with a median house price of $627,852. The median rental price is currently $4,020.
Most of the homes are medium to large-sized homes. A majority of the residents own their homes. The homes in the neighborhood were built between 1970 to 1999.
The vacancy rate here is 2.6%. This percentage is quite lower than the average. The residents primarily speak English as well as Tagalog.
The residents here are considered in the wealthy income range. The typical occupations are executive, management, and other professional occupations with the second being sales and services.
13. Mountaire-Ashley
Mountaire-Ashley has a population of 1319 residents. People love this neighborhood because it is clean, dog-friendly, quiet, and has parks and shopping close in distance.
Residents here enjoy outdoor activities such as camping, walking, family activities, BBQ grilling, and much more.
There are medium to large single-family, and townhomes located in the neighborhood. The median house cost is $466,154. The houses are nicely kept and quite clean.
The schools in the area are highly rated. The majority of the schools are public, and each school has 700 to 1,000 students.